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Outdoor @School

This experience offers an outdoor session at the BHS campus.  Photos are taken on the back-side of campus.  Outdoor @School sessions are available to Bedford High School seniors at the BHS campus. 

$40 | 15 min.


Indoor @School

This experience offers a complete indoor session at the BHS campus.  This will include several indoor backgrounds with different poses.  Indoor @School sessions are available to Bedford High School seniors at the BHS campus. 

$35 | 15 min.


Indoor & Outdoor @School

This experience offers a complete indoor session and then we head outside at the BHS campus.  This will include several indoor backgrounds with different poses and several outdoor poses.  Indoor & Outdoor @School sessions are available to Bedford High School seniors at the BHS campus. 

$65 | 25 min.


Indoor & Outdoor @School w/outfit

This experience offers a complete indoor session and then we head outside at the BHS campus.  This will include several indoor backgrounds with different poses and several outdoor poses.  This session includes one outfit change.  Indoor & Outdoor w/outfit @School sessions are available to Bedford High School seniors at the BHS campus.  $95 | 30 min.



This experience is the best of both worlds...traditional indoor headshot photos with a full outdoor photo experience included.  This is great for families who want a traditional photo for the yearbook and fun photos for the senior.  Flash Plus sessions are available to Bedford High School seniors at the BHS campus.  $40 | 20 min.

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Flash Session

Short. Simple. Sweet.  -  That is our Flash Session.  This session is for headshots only and is great for those seniors who just want a yearbook photo.  Flash Sessions are available to Bedford High School seniors at the BHS campus.  $15 | 5 min

Elizabeth speaking at the Women in Leadership event for High School Seniors.

Fanatical Focus on Excellence

We are only as strong as our weakest link

Identify  |  Validate  |  Overcome

Action Combined with Performance begets Success

Inspired leaders have the best stories.

The best stories include right characters.

The right characters build the best teams.

Committed to Inspiring Change

Elizabeth Hockmeyer standing confidently at the podium speaking at an event.
Elizabeth standing with her arms softly crossed, standing in front of a white background, wearing a black blazer.
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